Easily Transfer Emails!
Are you ready to transfer your email between servers, without having to download them? Enter in your login details for both the source and the destination servers, and check them instantly to see if they work. You have the option to use SSL as your connection method, or just plain-text IMAP.

Choose Your Folders
With the click of a button you’ll see a list of your entire Inbox folder structure – you can pick and choose which folders you want to move (lets be honest, we don’t really need to transfer your Junk Mail) and ignore the rest. This way if you want to move “Folder A” to one email account and “Folder B” to another email account, you can do this easily!

Ready to Go!
You’ve picked your folders and entered in all of the login details, and you’re ready to transfer your email between servers. Click a button and you can watch the progress of your transfer, in real time. Depending on the speed of your server, it could be done in minutes.